Monday, September 24, 2012

Infect those you love

Ok, maybe that came out wrong.

Let me explain.

In terms of fitness, we directly affect our friends and family. People use their loved ones as a benchmark for what is acceptable in terms of body image, diet and level of activity. If randam dude #1 is overweight, statistically, his male friends and family are more likely to also be overweight. If random girl #2 is in great shape, statistically, her female friends and family tend to be in great shape as well.

This trend is not static. If someone makes a change in either direction (gets in shape or lets themselves go) then those around them tend to slide in the same direction. I have observed both types of change, both personally and through stories from friends. Here is an example;

A friend of mine has a job that requires an elite level of fitness. For this reason, he assembled an impressive garage gym and started a strict paleolithic diet. As a result, he went from in good shape to elite shape (about as healthy as you can get). His wife, while not overweight, was not an athlete, nor did she follow his diet. In fact, she mocked his diet while she ate junk. As she observed his transformation, she became curious and he started teaching her the basics of excercising in the home gym. Eventually, she adopted the diet, shed about 15lbs (down to 115lbs) and now she programs her own workouts and cooks 100% paleo meals (and chastises my friend when he cheats on the diet). In addition, her mother, who had never tried any kind of diet or exercise plan, started working out in the home gym and sticking to the diet. She also lost weight and looks and feels better. And it is too soon to tell but I bet his young daughter will pick up the same habits as her parents.

The point is you are not alone on your fitness journey. Your husband, wife, brother, sister, parents, kids, cousins, grandparents, grandkids, aunts, uncles, friends and acquaintences all see you as either a positive or a negative influence. Your efforts will have a ripple effect across your world. Seeing your family and friends healthy and active can be far more rewarding than a six pack.

So get up, get out and infect those you love. Your choice as to what you spread.


PS - If your family and friends are all fit, ya'll are much more likely to survive the zombie apocalypse. jI'm just saying.

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