Another Sunday, another edition of Gameday Games. Today, we watched the Patriots lay the smack down on the Texans. Here are the results:
Touchdowns/ field goals - We did one kettle bell overhead squat for each point scored, ie, field goal equals 3 overhead squats. 72 total
First Downs - These are by far the most common occurrence (duh) so we did two exercises per first down: 2 pull-ups and 5 push-ups. There were 35 first downs, 70 pull-ups and 185 push-ups total. We did wide, normal and narrow pullups and pushups.
Sacks - There was only one sack all day, so we did one minute of wall sit. Pretty easy, but that's the way this game goes.
Turnovers - Same thing happened here; only one turnover, so only one minute of plank. Lame.
Overall, this version of Gameday Games was challenging, but more well rounded than last week. What games are you playing?
PS - From last Wednesday to today I ate poorly, never worked out, and spent most of my time sitting (either in a car or at a desk building PowerPoint presentations). I can't put into words how bad I felt by Saturday. Lesson learned: even though I made a few days worth of bad choices, I still got back on track. It doesn't matter if it's a few days or a few years, it's never too late to change your habits.
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