Tuesday, February 12, 2013


We are masters of balance. The simple act of walking on two legs is a complicated balancing act that we perform effortlessly every day. Think about a baby taking it's first steps. Not exactly graceful. By the time we are adults, walking is second nature. But then again, think about those people out there who perform ridiculous acts of balance; tight rope walkers, gymnasts on the beam, surfers on a board on a wave. These people have practised balancing above and beyond any normal human level, doing things most of us can not imagine.

So why should we work on improving our balance? Even if we are not striving to be a professional circus performer, having good balance is something that benefits us all. Balance requires core strength, extremity control and a strong brain-body connection (proprioception). Good balance helps prevent injury and will improve your athletic ability across the board.

Here are a few ways to practice and improve your balance:

Tree Pose - This is a Yoga pose that is heavy on balance and proprioception. Begin by standing on one leg and pressing the other foot into your standing calf or thigh. Find something in front of you to focus on (Drishti point). This will help keep you stable. Arms can be by your side, at chest level or overhead. Hold this pose for ten or so breaths and then switch sides. This can be done either alone or as a recovery part of workout.

Plank Balance - Start in Plank (top of a push up). Lift one foot off the ground and hold for 5 seconds. Switch legs. Then put both feet down and raise one arm, then the other. Focus on keeping a strong core throughout.

Urban Tightrope - This can be done anywhere anytime you are walking. If you are walking on the sidewalk, walk along the curb as if it were a tightrope. If you are walking in a parking lot, walk along those things in the front of parking spaces. Anything else you can find to balance on, do that too. Make balancing something you seek out instead of just something you do passively.

One of the first things to go with age is balance and athletic ability. These diminish through lack of use. You don't need to be a tightrope walker or an extreme athlete, but everyone should incorporate balance into their life.



  1. I know this isn't exactly about Balance, but life style balance. Jane has me thinking about trying a Paleo Diet. I thought you mentioned that you follow a form of paleo eating? Any chance of a posting on Paleo eating.

    1. Nick, finding a healthy lifestyle balance is definately part of getting better every day. Gwen is inadvertantly following a mostly paleo diet by cutting out sugar, gluten and dairy. I still eat some dairy (mostly cheese) but for the most part I follow the same rules as Gwen.

      There is a high probability of a paleo-esque post coming in the near future (see; Sunday).

      Thanks for the comment
