We need rest in both mind and body. We put ourselves through the wringer at work, in the gym, in life. Cortisol (stress hormone) courses through our veins, exhausting our brain. Sitting at work, at home, in the car and everywhere else puts our hips, back and shoulders in a terribly compromised position. Our workout schedules tax all of our systems: cardiovascular, muscular, neurological. We need rest. But simply not doing anything is not the smart way to recover.
Here are some intelligent ways to rebuild your mind and body for the next round of abuse:
- Plan Your Rest - Pick a day (at least once a week) to focus on recovery. Stick to your plan and avoid hard workouts or excess stress, even if you don't feel tired. Your body will thank you. Every few weeks, take a full week off from hard workouts and stick to easy activities aimed at recovery, ie; light, low impact cardio, yoga, etc.
- Ice Bath - The benefits of cooling yourself down are numerous: faster recovery, improved circulation, instant refreshment and, if you cool down before going to bed, better sleep. (This one really works! I sleep like a log after a quick cold shower.)
- Move - Nothing feels worse to me when I'm worn out then sitting still for long periods of time. My joints tighten up, my muscles feel more sore and things pop when I stand up. Doing low impact cardio (walk, jog, run, bike, etc.) will help blood get to your sore, tired body. Yoga and stretching will help you fix the areas that give you trouble. (Back and hips for me.)
- Flow - Doing activities that require your full attention can help you to enter a zen-like state called "flow". Pick something that you enjoy doing and treat yourself to some you time by immersing yourself in that activity. Read, do a puzzle, cook your favorite meal, play with something. Have fun and forget about your stressors. Let your brain relax.
PS - Look at this monster! It is about to break free from the confines of the bucket. It has been fun to watch the tomato plant grow so fast. Can't wait for it to start fruiting.