Sunday, July 7, 2013


If you have never watched a TED talk, you are missing out. TED (short for Technology Entertainment Design) is a non-profit organization that invites smart, creative people to share their ideas in 18 minute presentations, which are then uploaded to the web. They cover a wide variety of topics, from the possibilities created by the internet to how to save humanity from itself.

I was watching a TED talk the other day about the psychological and physical effects that can be achieved through simple posture and body position. Power posing consists of simply standing or sitting in positions that convey to others (and yourself) that you are confident and not stressed. (On the flip side, you can also sit or stand in ways that convey low confidence and high stress.) In people and in nature, we see examples of power poses everywhere. The athlete who just scored a goal. The alpha male of a band of gorillas standing tall. Rock stars strutting on the stage. All of these individuals are large and in charge and their body language shows it.

                             Power Pose Characteristics:
                                    Sit/Stand up straight
                                         Hands on waist
                                      Hands behind head
                                    Shoulders pulled back
                                   Chest and hips squared
                                   "Open" body position
Non-Power Pose Characteristics:
Favoring one foot or the other
Crossed arms/legs
Shoulders hunched forward
"Closed" body position

These characteristics convey nonverbal messages to others. They also have the ability to trick your brain chemistry into whatever pose you choose. If you sit or stand in a power pose for a few minutes, your cortisol (stress hormone) level drops and your testosterone (a measure of confidence) rises. If you take a submissive or non-power pose, your body will do the opposite. By power posing you can fake it until you make it. This can be helpful prior to a job interview, a test, a sports or musical performance or just to boost your daily mood. Whether you're feeling like a rock star alpha or not, you can use power posing to take on the day like a silverback gorilla.

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