Friday, November 13, 2015

Life Long Learner

Whether we know it or not, we are all life long learners. We start at birth. The world comes at us full speed and we learn at breakneck speed: Language, culture, food, play, skills, crafts, music, art, sports, etc. All learned behaviors. Yet most adults reach a point where they feel they no longer need to keep learning. They hit a plateau of knowledge and abilities that allow them to go about their daily lives without much struggle, their world view set and their skill set honed. They might be a master craftsman or a successful business person, a school teacher or a law enforcement officer. They have reached a level where active learning is no longer required. They can do their jobs and live their lives with the skills and knowledge they already have. This is a dangerous place to be. If this is you, keep reading.

We are our best selves when we are humbled by our own lack of skills or knowledge. Deluding yourself into thinking you are "good enough" is the same as throwing in the towel. The good enough mentality breeds complacency.  If we stop seeking to improve ourselves, we cease growth. Every day we wake up with an opportunity to learn something new. Even little bits of learning can go a long way.

If you are already an expert at something, it can be highly valuable to start over as a novice at something new. I have spent 7 years improving my professional skills. In the last year, I started taking piano lessons from man who has been playing piano for 60+ years. In the same way a parent teaches their child the English language, he has taught me the language of music. Learning is a skill that must be practiced. We are so used to instant return that often, if we aren't immediately good at something, we write it off as "I'm just no good at blank." In reality, nobody is "just good" at anything. Some skills might come easier to some people, but we all have the capacity to acquire any skill set we desire.

Most successful people in any field are innately good learners. They seek knowledge. They recognize their knowledge gaps and seek to find the remedy, either by filling the gaps or finding experts in that field. Their constant self reflection, honesty and hunger to get better are their secrets to success. We must strive to be life long learners, no matter how rocky the road gets or how successful we become. It will keep us grounded and help us stay true to ourselves. And it will make us better.


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